Black Forge Art

From our small, converted barn tucked away down in the far corner of Owley Farm, we at Black Forge Art have enjoyed being tenants of firstly Tim, and more recently his son, Owen Piper for over 30 years now – and counting.

From here, our small, homegrown forge, similarly now transitioning towards our own second generation of family, we have enjoyed being able to focus on the design and manufacture of many thousands of artistic ironwork creations over these years while enjoying the day to day, season to season, year to year farming routine going on around us, – all largely without the usual distractions and protocol associated with more industrialised workshop unit locations.

As such, we consider ourselves extremely fortunate to have our base in such a creatively encouraging and subsequently productive rural idyll, while enjoying a very relaxed and friendly relationship with all concerned around the farm.

Long may it continue.