
Having lived and worked in the Isle of Oxney for approaching 70 years, we like to feel that we contribute to village life. But as an employer of 10 FTE people and many more casual, our impact on the area as an employer is probably our greatest responsibility, one we do not take lightly.

With many long-standing colleagues and success stories from investing time in young men and women we are proud of our influence. Owen is working with the National Farmers Union and the newly formed Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture to try and effect change in the way young people view a career in the land-based sector. 

Outside of work we enjoy hosting various charity horse ride events and visiting packs of bloodhounds and beagles. We are very keen supporters of Stone-in-Oxney cricket club. Owen is the current captain, and the late Michael was president at the time of the Pavilion relocation in 2005. 

We recognise the government’s definition of ‘public goods’ when it comes to using the farm to provide ecosystem services for the wider greater good. Whether that be in facilitating public access via the footpath network or ensuring that we take all possible steps to protect water quality and indeed slow water flow in times of flood risk. You can read a lot more about our dedication to the farmed environment here. We passionately believe that farmers should and will be more accountable to the general public for how land is managed, and our commitment to the community around us is that we will ensure we are always acting at the forefront of what is socially responsible.

Community Gallery

We love hearing from our local community and being involved in events, charities and fun in general – here are some photographs our community have sent in to us. If you would like to send us a picture please email us at